Belgium Club Sstv


File:Attention Sign.svg — Wikimedia CommonsCall for DonationFile:Attention Sign.svg — Wikimedia Commons

Membership in the club is free and will remain so for life, but a 
small donation for club improvement will be welcome.

The SSTV mode is a common passion for all amateur radio enthusiasts of this mode
any OM that donates will be placed on the BCS Honors Membership List

thank you again for your understanding

of your devoted president of the BCS Club

73 Tony ON5AG

Make a donation and become an honor member of the BCS Club

For more information click here

(BCS Donation)

Last Registered BELGIUM CLUB SSTV  F4LYX  BCS#3390

Other Site Belgium Club Sstv  

Click HERE  or  Click HERE or Click HERE


Thank you has all the members registered and has all those
which  will be registered  
Tony ON8GA Chairman Founder and Manager BCS


BELGIUM CLUB SSTV(BCS) is for all licensed
HAM operators and who likes the Digital and Analogic SSTV
It's free life time membership 
The Analogic Modes Club started on the end of 23/11/2007 
created by ON8GA (ON1GA) 
It's recommended to give your BCS# durring your QSO's 
as may be the other operators are collecting 
BCS numbers for awards and they can check in
our web site for more information 
That's all we need... So you can join us for free
You will receive your  Number BCS for lifetime
and receive your certificate to your e-mail

Any questions, comments or requests e-mail :

73 and Thanks again for your Visite.

Copyright © 2007 Belgium Club Sstv


Belgium Club Sstv



Thank you for sending donations on PayPal as a family and not as a professional, thank you all for your donations









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